Opportunity Risks
The Linity "Risks" section categorizes opportunities into low, medium, and high risk levels to help users understand the potential financial risks involved and support them in making the right decisions based on their risk tolerance.
Risks are grouped as follows:
Low Risk: These opportunities are considered to carry a minimal risk level.
They are generally free or require minimal financial participation, typically just covering network fees. This category may also include staking or adding funds to liquidity pools in well-supported projects with strong backing, where there's a reasonable expectation that any losses due to unforeseen exploits could be reimbursed or addressed in some way.
Medium Risk: We categorize an opportunity as medium risk when it involves not just network fees but also locking funds for a certain period, such as through staking or liquidity pools, with amounts ranging from $100 to $500. Although there's no direct spending, there's still the risk of losing funds if something goes wrong.
High Risk: These opportunities are marked as high risk because they require more than $50 in financial input. This could be through actions like minting NFTs at a cost above $50 or putting a larger than $500 into staking or liquidity pools. The risk here includes a higher chance of financial loss due to exploits, project issues, or a drop in the value of NFTs.
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