Earn & Staking Opportunity
To maximize rewards from Earn & Staking opportunities, you must understand specific elements of staking cryptocurrencies, starting from key differences between Earn and Staking opportunities.
Earn opportunities
Offered by centralized entities like exchanges and banks, these opportunities reward you for depositing and holding your funds with them.
The yield of all the Earn & Staking Opportunities is represented through the Annual Percentage Yield (APY). This percentage is the anticipated amount of yield you can expect from depositing your tokens to the provider. The APY varies depending on the cryptocurrency and the provider. However, Earn opportunities might provide higher predictability in returns given their centralized nature.
Staking opportunities
Staking opportunities are offered by decentralized, Proof-of-Stake cryptocurrencies (e.g. ETH, SOL, ADA). Staking involves locking your tokens to help secure and validate blockchain transactions. In return, you earn rewards.
The APY received from Staking opportunities is dynamic, meaning that it can fluctuate daily. The APY is influenced by factors such as network activity, token incentives, and other varied blockchain parameters.
Linity's Approach to Earn & Staking
Our team at Linity carefully reviews each Earn and Staking opportunity to present the best options to you. Our evaluation process considers key details, including:
APY (Annual Percentage Yield): An estimate of yearly returns;
Reward Fee: Any commission required to engage with the opportunity;
Unstake Period: Time needed to withdraw assets following an unstake request.
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